Privacy Policy

Privacy of all personal information is an important principle to this practice. All information that is collected, used, or disclosed, is done so responsibly and only to the extent necessary for the services providedPolicies will be open and transparent as to how personal information is handled


Personal information is information about an identifiable individual which describes that individual’s personal characteristics (e.g. gender, age, income, address, telephone numbers, ethnic background, marital status); health (e.g. health history, health conditions, health services received); or activities and views (e.g. religion, politics, opinions expressed, opinions or evaluation of another individual).



I will collect, use, and disclose personal information in order to serve their clients.  The primary reason for collecting this information is to assist in the provision of psychotherapeutic treatment. Information such as a client’s health history, family history, physical condition, and social situation is collected in order to thoroughly assess client needs, as well as to guide in determining the appropriate counselling services.  This provides a baseline of health and social information which assists psychotherapists in tracking changes that occur over time.

With the exception of cookies (which are small text files that identify your web browser and IP address), the website will only collect and use personal information for the requested purpose (e.g. to respond to an email, to fill an appointment request).  Cookies are only used to help you navigate the website and are not used to monitor you.



Information may also be disclosed on occasion for other purposes:

Where required by law, personal information may be disclosed to certain third parties who have the authority to review relevant content of a file as part of their mandate (eg. Canada Revenue Agency, the Information and Privacy Commissioner, Human Rights Commission).

I may also provide information to other professionals (e.g. lawyers, accountants, supervising psychologists) where necessary.

Where the cost of services is paid for by third parties (e.g. WSIB, private insurers), these third parties may have consent or legislative authority to require the disclosure of relevant information in order to demonstrate client entitlement to the funding.

Credit card information may be collected for payment of accounts.



It is important to protect personal information at all times.  These steps have been taken:

  • Paper information and electronic hardware are always under supervision or secured in a locked or restricted area at all times.
  • Passwords and encryption are used on electronically stored personal information.
  • Paper information that includes any personal information is transmitted through sealed, addressed envelopes marked as confidential.
  • External consultants and agencies who may require access to client information must enter into a privacy agreement.


Client information is retained as mandated by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario and the College of Psychologists of Ontario. The file will be retained for a minimum of ten years. This allows for a response if there are questions after therapy has ended, and helps in providing a consistency of service over time.

Client contact information is removed from any directory where possible if there is no further contact required.

Paper files containing personal information are securely destroyed through shredding. Electronic files are irrevocably erased. When electronic hardware containing client personal information is discarded the hard drive will be physically destroyed.



A client may have access to their personal information by requesting in writing a review of the clinical file.  Questions may be asked about any information that is not understood (e.g. short forms, technical language etc.).  Should there be any difficulty providing access, a written explanation will be provided. A nominal fee may be charged for such a request.

Should there be an error in the factual information, you have the right to ask for it to be corrected.  This applies to factual information only, not to any professional opinions expressed. If an error is identified, a correction will be made including notification of anyone to whom this information was sent.  Where there is a lack of consensus, a brief statement shall be included in the file and forwarded to any parties who received the earlier information.

An attempt will be made to answer any questions or concerns you might have.  I can be reached at:

Jennifer Elder, RP, 2650 Queensview Drive, Suite 260, Ottawa, Ontario. K2B 8H6

(613) 294-5973


The supervising psychologist can be contacted at:

Dr. Sharon Francis Harrison, 2650 Queensview Drive, Suite 260, Ottawa, Ontario. K2B 8H6

(613) 818-8194


Clients may direct their concerns about my privacy practices to me in writing. These will be investigated promptly and a formal written response will be provided.

Concerns about the professionalism or competence of the psychotherapy services you receive are important and should be brought to my attention.  If these concerns are not resolved to your satisfaction you may submit a complaint to the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario through which I am a registered member.  They can be contacted at:

College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario
163 Queen Street East
Toronto, Ontario   M5A 1S1


This policy is made under Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) .  This is a complex law and provides some additional exceptions to the privacy principles that are too detailed to set out here.  There are some rare exceptions to the commitments set out above.

The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario oversees the administration of PHIPA, the privacy legislation for the health sector in Ontario. The Commissioner also investigates and resolves privacy complaints. The Information and Privacy Commissioner can be reached at:

Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, ON   M4W 1A8
(800) 387-0073

Thinking of taking the first step? Submit our quick contact form to get in touch with Jennifer Elder.
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